transition from walking boot to normal shoe


transition from walking boot to normal shoeI’ve had a cast or walking boot on my right foot for 6 weeks, which was due to spraining my ankle. I was in a hard cast for 2 weeks and then transitioned to the boot. The first few days were really really tough, but I slowly felt more comfortable with the weight of it (it feels very heavy at first). Transitioning from the walking boot to wearing normal shoes is tough because they aren’t wide enough and your foot slides off of them easily.


Running Shoesstyle

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Since these boots are usually only used for a few weeks, transitioning from them becomes necessary when you're finally able to walk on that ankle again. I had to use a crutch for the first week or so, and then transition to wearing two bracelets on my ankle. The bracelets help stabilize your ankle because you can't lift your leg without putting too much pressure on it. I'm still using the crutch occasionally because it's easier to pull myself up and down than ask my husband for help.

I've received great support from both in regards to the boot and transition advice, but I'll just put it out there that I found it very challenging physically and mentally. So that's my experience with transitioning from using a walking boot to normal shoes. [ARTICLE END]

Thank you for listening and reading! I would love to hear from others who have had to transition from a boot to normal shoes, so please feel free to share your experience. This is the first episode of the body positive podcast, where I share my experiences in recovery from an ankle sprain. My most recent experiences have been about transitioning from that walking boot onto normal shoes. I know that not everyone will be able to relate, but hopefully you'll see some value in this information nonetheless!

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of, and should not be attributed to, Project or its employees. [To listen to this podcast on iTunes (free), click here.]

This episode of the Body Positive Podcast was brought to you by Body Care Associates. You can learn more about my experience with their services at Body Care Associates has helped me get medically treated for the ankle sprain I sustained in 2013 and has helped normalize my body’s pain.

Brooks Men's Revel 4

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What is your experience transitioning from a boot to running shoes? Are you using a boot or are you perfectly able to run without one? What do you recommend? Please share your experience with us, we would love to hear from you!

Note: If you like this podcast, please feel free to share it! Sharing is caring, so please feel free to forward it on or post it on your Facebook page. I will always appreciate feedback, so if you have any questions or comments please feel free to reach out to me at

I am pleased to announce that this is my sixth podcast episode, and I plan on continuing with the podcast for as long as I can. If you would like more information about the body positive podcast, please

If you are interested in learning more about me and my story, you can do so by visiting the website at  or emailing meor connecting with me via social media: Facebo


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